It seems this is a Keyboard Maestro problem, unless the URL BTT sends is somehow breaking KM’s ability to run a “type a keystroke” action. (and it’s the same with my cabled and BT Apple keyboards) So, “type a keystroke” fails when the macro is launched by BTT sending a URL IF the Caps Lock is used, either via the BTT hyperkey method or the Right Ctrl method. (BUT if you just hold Right Ctrl down, it runs.) Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) are the two most serious metabolic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). When it uses the modifier Right Ctrl with the system keyboard caps lock mapped to right control, the macro runs, but the “type a keystroke” action doesn’t run and gives the system alert sound.(BUT if you just hold those four keys down, it runs.) Holiday Hypermarket search major tour operators to find you fantastic package holidays and All Inclusive holidays at the best prices. When it uses the modifiers Ctrl Opt Sh Cmd with the BTT hyperkey setup, the macro runs, but the “type a keystroke” action doesn’t run and gives the system alert sound.When BTT sends a URL to KM using the modifiers Ctrl Sh Cmd (or any other combination except cases 3 and 4), the macro and any “type a keystroke” actions run.When BTT sends a URL to KM using ANY modifiers, (including the hyperkey or right-control methods) a KM macro that doesn’t contain a “type a keystroke” action, it works fine.Once BTT has sent the URL to KM and the KM macro starts, BTT should have nothing more to do with it, right? But check out these four cases: Hyperkey unusable - #12 by Andreas_Hegenberg - Bug Reports - BetterTouchTool CommunityĪnd I know the URL method really is triggering the KM macro, whether I use the “official” BTT hyperkey setup or the right control key method, because I added a “play a sound” action to the macro. Regarding BTT URL triggers: The docs say, “The Hyperkey in BTT is only designed to work well with shortcuts defined IN BetterTouchTool.” I’m not sure what that means, because last year, I was told by the developer, Andreas, that you CAN trigger Keyboard Maestro using a url trigger.

What could be wrong with my account that would cause the problem described below? Should I reinstall Keyboard Maestro or Better Touch Tool? Or could it be something else in the system that’s broken, causing this issue whenever I use the caps lock key? Should I reinstall Catalina? Nuke and pave?Īfter a lot of experimenting last night, I’ve drafted this detailed description of what’s happening: Since it appears there’s something wrong with my account, I thought I’d also post the issue on this forum. I’ve been trying to track down a problem regarding using the Better Touch Tool hyperkey with Keyboard Maestro on the KM forum, and discovered that the problem goes away with a new user account.